
By WhiskyFoxtrot

An early start to meet my friend IWoM who was briefly up from her home in Norwich. It was great to see her again and catch up.

I then popped into the office to check there were no dragons lurking in the inbox after a week away. No dragons were apparent, just more work. I was home briefly in the afternoon, long enough to take my bike to the local bike shop to try to sort out yet another flat tyre.

Went back into town to meet up with Dr T to see Blue Jasmine. Whilst it was great to see a Woody Allen film again, one partly shot in New York which has become rare these days, I wasn't overly taken with it. I thought there were some big issues that weren't dealt with sufficiently and whilst Cate Blanchett is great (have you ever seen a bad Cate Blanchett film?), I was more pleased to see English actress Sally Hawkins in a major role in a US film.

Of course, it rained on the way to the film and rained more heavily on the way home, but presumably very little compared to conditions in the south of England.

Good luck, fellow blippers, and stay safe. xx

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