
By MrsPuff

Paradise Lost

This is Quinns Arcade in Waimate.

It was built in 1906 as a shopping arcade, but it was not successful. It was re-opened as a movie theatre in about 1920, and I suppose that is when it aquired the name Arcadia Theatre.

There are plans to restore this building, and while I admire the ambition, I think it's a tall order, as it really has seen better days, and is a sorry state inside. It's going to take a lot of work, and bucket loads of money to put it right.

When we were there, the steps were covered in vomit and urine from the drunks who attended the car racing rally, which took place at the weekend in the main street, just a few meters from here. And there were beer bottles strewn all over the place around the main street. Yuck!

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