
By DancingAly

We're Still Looking For You

We went to have another look at Gramps's house today. The tenants finally left and I am seizing the opportunity to soak it all up before the next lot move in next week.

I'm so glad I have time to spend a little time there. As I wandered from room to room, so many memories came flooding back. This was never a quiet house! It was always filled with warmth, love, laughter, music and family. And the occasional sound of shouting! But it was a very happy home. I looked at the shelves Gramps had put up in the garage the year they moved in, 1983. It was a brand new house on a new development. We used to squeeze along the wall next to the car, to select a can of Heinz Baked Beans or Spaghetti Hoops to have for dinner, or a can of full sugar coke, banned at home! Gramps used to have cans of Tenants Pilsner there too, for whenever he fancied a drink, usually after working hard in the garden.

We keep looking for him, but we have yet to find him! We took Little B with us, as he is desperate to get out and about, after many weeks of resting his foot at home. I don't know if a 5 minute dandle down the road was what he had in mind, but it was better than nothing. He did however find the spot where Gramps passed, and sat there and whimpered a little. I think he understands. Likewise, when we walked towards the drive, he led us to the right, seeming to know where we were going. He's a smart cookie is B :-)

I'm going to pop back in this week. It's nice to know that even though Gramps isn't physically there, in so many ways he is.

Love you Gramps

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