Moments in a minor key

By Dcred


Well, the weekend hasn't turned out quite as we wanted, having stayed I'm most of last week with a stinker of a cold we were both looking forwards to leaving the house, Yesterday we arrived in Harrogate at about two but were home again by five as dearest has succumbed to all the germs I've been spreading about. Today I had already promised to go over to The Salvation Army with one of my old ladies to drop off some bits & pieces for their next jumble sale, from there we meandered very slowly over to Pateley Bridge & parked up at the Cemetery, we often pop in to attend to a grave of a family that my wife use to stay with as a little girl, her aunt was their housekeeper & cook, every summer they would send Chadwick the chauffeur to pick Brenda up from Ryhope in an open topped laureate (she tells me it was an Austin Sheerline but then again every large black car reminds her of a shear line so who knows)and drive her in stately fashion back to Foss Beck just outside the town, perhaps thats where she got that illusion of grander from (all fur coat & no knickers but don't tell her I said that).
I've added a few photos taken from the grave yard HERE, a couple I could have chosen to blip instead but I just sort of like the calm of this one best. Quick lunch and home, dearest now wrapped in blankets with hot lemon & sympathy so I best go back to nursing duty and shut this infernal (her words not mine) computer down.
PS The title, we have already paid for our final resting place in the Cemetry, under a tree with a view.......she's ever hopeful!

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