Busy as Bees

We have not stopped all bloomin' day so what's new!

I'd postponed a blip meet with DrMacBatts which I was gutted to do but in hindsight it was the right thing as, despite the extra hour, we've been on the go all day!

By 1030am the house was clean, wash basket empty, clothes set out for the next two days Minnie's not ours!, dogs walked and a veg shop at the farm shop all done! I also sorted my brothers birthday present, did some eBaying, visited the in laws and prepped dinner whilst Simon worked. I'm now having a glass of wine in the bath whilst the roast is cooking and Si feeds Minnie.

We are catching up on Strictly and X Factor if Minnie allows..........she needs to understand how important these shows are from an early age :)

A busy week.....tomorrow I'm at the docs for a blood test then, weather permitting, meeting Zann and Withers - first Time i will have driven for 5 weeks!! Tuesday is a quiet day then Wednesday I am meeting my boss...........I am contemplating doing one day a week from February. Some will think I'm bonkers BUT I love my job and miss it a bit. My boss has been made Deputy MD which I thought would mean my role would change, maybe working for someone else, but he has said he doesnt care what Hours work i do as long as I go back and work with him - I'm hugely flattered and very excited. Simons mum is chomping at the bit to look after Min and I will still be able to work from home. Early days in discussions yet but I think it'll be good for me and Minnie to ease us in gently.

Going from working 50-60 hours to being a mom is a bit bonkers :)

Anyhooooooooo time to rinse my hair and dish up dinner.

Stay safe folks in the storms x

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