
Odd word Pony, something about it seems wrong.

We walked along the river to see if we could spot a Kingfisher, I suspect they are staying in to avoid the weather. Luckily this little chap was in the next field.

A quiet start to the day, Alf and I watched F1 this morning, hats off to Vettel amazing result I suspect he is going to break every record ever. Then Alf did a couple of Sats test papers the reward for which was a copy of minecraft which now won't load on the ancient desktop computer. The terrible hardships our children have to endure. Minecraft however does seem like a pretty good system, lots of problem solving and I think they even get a little basic coding in as well.

I ventured out for a walk up the Roman road, it is getting very windy and the storm clouds are definately brewing.


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