a town called E.

By Eej

Halloween at the Brewery

You know you did well when the first 2 groups of people that see you start yelling: OOMPA LOOMPAS!

We won Best Costume too :)

I had so much fun I'm exhausted and it's 1 am and I should be showering the orange crap of off my face. What a fun night.
If I can remember more tomorrow I'll add it - right now I have to sleep.

What a fabulous party :)

Highlights - a lot of crazy dancing to the band playing "I want Candy". Having our photo taken multiple times by multiple people. The Twisted Pumpkin. Hugs. Promising to make more of the Chocolate Porter Cake for the December Potluck. Waiting in line while a peeing POSS (the E was male and absent for this) took over the stall together. ASSLESS CHAPS! Plus, the reactions of both men and women. (Clue, the women mostly applauded and wholfwhistled :))

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