Bruntwood Park

So so so tired today, can't remember quite why; possibly Bean's birthday yesterday and the chaos of the day?! Anyway it's Thursday so that means off to Gran & Grandad's for the day. Eventually, after dealing with all sorts of things. First thing to get dealt with this morning was to go and register properly at the surgery down the road. We're staying here longer than we initially thought, so I need to get things in order so I can look after myself health-wise! So complicated. Turns out I've left my driving licence back in Worthing somewhere. As well as my passport, marriage certificate and birth certificate. They are all now top of the list of things to NOT get packed when the moving company come along to pack our house up for us (whenever that may be). Thankfully the surgery accepted my medical exemption certificate as proof of identity, and are accepting a letter from my parents to say I am who I say I am and I am living with them as proof of address. Phew.

Then it was like trying to push treacle up a hill trying to get the boys into shoes and into the car, they didn't even want to get dressed - despite wanting to go to Gran and Grandad's house! We made it by lunchtime though. Bear did not sleep in the car.

I was falling asleep on the sofa, too tired even to crochet. That's pretty tired. But the sun was shining, and so we HAD to go out. I prayed that Bear would fall asleep in the car on the way to the park. He didn't. I couldn't snooze in the car with him.

We played in the park, Bean made some new friends (a boy and his mum - the boy got so caught up in Bean's story about being pirates on a ship, and sharks coming to attack that he ran off in mock terror while his mum who was similarly captivated by Bean's story didn't notice - thankfully Grandad spotted where the boy ran off to, so when mum looked up and noticed her boy had disappeared, Grandad was able to point her in the right direction, he'd been keeping an eye on the boy just in case!), Bear climbed and jumped and explored and ran and didn't fall asleep. They were actually too busy playing to want icecreams. Never thought I'd see that happen!

Bear didn't fall asleep on the way back to Gran and Grandad's house either.

Daddy got home after we'd eaten our dinner, and by about 6.30pm Bear was actually asking for pyjamas. He got changed and snuggled up onto my lap and fell asleep. He was seriously unimpressed when he had to be disturbed to get into the car.

But, for the first time in WEEKS they both fell asleep in the car on the way home. And made the transfer to bed successfully as well!! Miracle of miracles. Hurrah.

Of course I was too tired to make the most of being free in the evening for a change...

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