
By Isabel


I was working in Glasgow today, and took this while out at lunchtime. Apologies if it's a bit of an odd shot, but I thought it was a nice way of showing the vast variety of architectural styles that make up modern Glasgow. The iconic Glasgow City Free Church building designed by Alexander "Greek" Thomson (1817 - 1875) is reflected in a glass fronted modern apartment block, with the more traditional church spire behind.
For once, had a reasonably quiet day and went out to post a letter to Belgium at lunchtime. The rain came on so I decided to nip in to the Willow tearoom on Sauchiehall Street for lunch. The tearoom was busy and service was slow and I had decided not to wait for a table when an older lady sitting alone invited me to join her. I did, and she turned out to be a most interesting companion. She had studied at Glasgow School of Art and was down in the city from Inverness to deposit some of her pictures for exhibition at Glasgow's Institute of Fine Art. As art is an uncertain livelihood, she had become a journalist and was still active in that line of work although retired from her day job. She, like me, was drawn to the Willow Tearoom because of its focus on the work and style of Charles Rennie MacIntosh, but commented, quite correctly, that he would be spinning in his grave if he could see some of the items that are sold under his brand name nowadays. His style was not at all soft and pink as it is now often portrayed.
A delightful chance encounter with a very interesting lady!

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