Tough Day for the Big Man

Kirby made it through a surgery he's needed for a little while. He had some small external tumors (benign growths) removed from both eyes, and had a dental cleaning while he was out. It was a tough day for all concerned. It's a little disconcerting when the vet tells you, "At his age, we could lose him during this procedure." He said the chance of that was small, but he still had to say it. Needless to say, Tom and I were both nervous wrecks until we received the call after the surgery was over. He made it through just fine, but couldn't come home until early evening. In this photo, he's just made it home and he's still considerably stoned. At this writing, about 20 hours after the surgery, he's still a bit groggy (in fact, he's sleeping flat out in the driveway), but he's getting better. A tough day, but he'll be better for it, especially after a restful weekend.

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