
A bit of a 'constitutional' theme this morning...

One of my favourite streets in Leith is Constitution Street. This is partly because I think that someone who does the sort of work I do **ought** to live in a town with a Constitution Street. It just sounds right to me.

But it's also because it has a high proportion of interesting buildings, although so far as I recall I've never actually blipped a photograph from Constitution Street before. This the churchyard of the former St James Episcopal Church, which has been used as a joinery since it closed in 1977, but which is now currently not in use and therefore at risk. Expect to see more buildings from Constitution Street in my blipjournal in the future.

On our 'constitutional' this morning, we came across the local MP at the Foot of the Walk, handing out leaflets for Better Together. I refused to take one, and he immediately assumed I was pro-independence. But, as I assured him, I'm not taking a public position one way or the other, as I wish to preserve my capacity to comment from an objective point of view without having too many bricks thrown at me by one side or the other for not being objective. As a result, if the publicity put out in my name by the University this weekend does make the papers, I might get bricks thrown at me by both sides... We'll have to see.

But after further discussion, we left him feeling happy that there is at least one pro-Union voter (i.e. against constitutional change) on the electoral register at our address.

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