
The rain today was much more than overcast, it was overlaid. So that's what I had in mind when I snapped this from under my Gortex hood at lunchtime. And what better texture to overlay than raindrops I thought.

Interesting experiment, I hope you like it. Check it out supersized!

In other news, has anyone been counting. Is that 40 days and 40 nights yet? I see that its not just me that thinks our 'barbecue summer' has dissolved away.

In more news, Mrs42 is off on Monday, so I took Friday and Monday off and we're going for a weekend away up to Aviemore. Hopefully it won't rain quite so much. And hopefully I'll squeeze some mountain biking and photography in between the eating and drinking and laying around :-)

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LOTD: I really like the composition and feeling in ralv's call of duty blip - the heat haze from the helicopter exhaust and the soldiers make it.

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