Day 26 It may be my last day EVER...

...if he sees this blip!

Slept in till 7:30am...only woke coz Ozzy was barking to go out for a wee.
Jumped back into bed and took this *bright eyed n bushy tailed, him...not so much. One of us has a hangover and one of us doesn't Hahahahahahahahah- Hahahaha-Hahahaha.....hahahahahahahahah-Hahahaha!!!!!!

Its 10:30am and I've done LOADS already, a pretend fancy Nigella frozen dessert, washing, tidying, sorting...anything noisy really...and himself has only just mustered the enthusiasum to drag his lardy arse out of bed and eat a bowl of cereal!

There's definitely something in this no drinking lark :-D

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