Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Good morning sunshine

As I prepared breakfast for my beloved - it's her wedding anniversary today - the early morning sun beamed through the blinds illuminating my favourite shelf in the house. (Well actually second favourite, the model bus shelf is first).

The eagle eyed will notice the full bottle of my first choice, Islay's Laphroig, an anniversary present (yes I'm ruined) and a couple of additions since an earlier Blip. Skye's Talisker is very moreish and the Isle of Mull Ledaig goes down far too well! The Arran wasn't my greatest purchase but it's hard to leave the distillery without a trophy. The Campbeltown Glen Scotia is quite palatable but for me the peaty Islay Malts are first choice.

But for the moment it's eyes left - tea or coffee?

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