Lindsay's lot

By LindsayWard

best bet

It's early for me to post but this evening is going to be a busy one. I'm helping a friend with some babysitting. A novelty. Haven't done that since I was 15, unless you count putting my own child to bed. Hedging my bets that this shot best sums up today.

Spent the morning doing the things I would have done yesterday if it hadn't been an early pick from nursery - parent teacher conference afternoon. All great there, Em doing really well, managing not to reveal her little tyke side. Grocery shopping was followed by a hasty trudge downtown. Had hoped for a leisurely walk but little miss wasn't very taken with the cold wind so we made a bee-line for the coffee shop. There we stayed for nearly 2 hours whilst Em built cities with counters, scrabble letters and chess pieces. Home now and Em and Mr W are happily making 'concoctions' from flour, water, lentils and rice. The simple things.....

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