After yesterday's sunshine, as promised the rain returned but with a little brightness in the afternoon. And as so often seems to happen, there was a last minute appearance of the sun just before it set, with the most ephemeral of afterglows. I had no Gus, as he was with Wifie in Kendal, but I didn't want to miss my estuary walk, it has become so fixed a routine these last 6 months or so. And there's always the challenge to find another aspect on the boat moored on the mudflats.
I'm afraid my harshest critic (BB) will regard this as another photographic cliche, and so it is, but I like it anyway. After all, when everything has been done before, and done better, how does one avoid cliches in photography? And whilst I try to take a reasonably good photo every day, in the end the blip is there to say something about my day - the alternative is to say nothing. And on a grey, rainy day when I got wet twice, seeing the sun set and the clouds glow was the highlight of the day. So I'm blipping it.
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