Surprise, Surprise

I'd originally intended to go for a bit of a yomp around South Yorkshire today after yesterday's lovely weather, but when I checked the forecast last night, it looked pretty grim and when I awoke to rain, mist and gusty wind, I decided I'd give it a miss, and instead get on with a few jobs I'd been putting off saving for a rainy day. It did brighten up, but not to the same extent as yesterday so the jobs got completed and I'm pleased they're done.
The first surprise of my title is this lovely Kaffir Lily. it has just come into flower in our front garden. of course, I had no idea we'd inherited it, and I'd assumed that by late October, there would be nothing more to discover till the Spring. So here it is, resplendent with raindrops.
The second surprise? On Wednesday, I was hoping to get a photo of a Porcelain Fungus. but conditions were not ideal and the fungi were quite high up. I took quite a few shots, but there was only really one that was ok. I wanted to go back to get it as a blip. Well, yesterday I decided to post it on Flickr, and to my amazement it get onto Explore! Here it is.. You never can tell!

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