cupcakes and jellytots

By featherduster

"keep you safe"

Another lazy Sunday and with nothing to do and no one to see, little lonely me went to Starbucks for the first time in what felt like donkeys! Well, my last 'fix' was almost 3 months ago when I got stranded in Belfast departures! :( So definitely well overdue!

I decided to take my notepad with me. It has been ages since I just sat and doodled or wrote something. So with coffee in one hand and a pen in the other I started doodling, random things at first - a cartoon version of me with massive glasses, a bird - emptying your mind is what the pros call it I think! haha! And then the words came....

....and they didn't stop! Almost an hour later I had produced my first attempt at a poem in what must be nearly 6 years! When I read it, I realised I'd put into words how I'd been feeling for a very long time now. In front of me were the words that seem to fail me every time I need them most! :( It's a very personal poem...from the deep abyss that is my battle-scarred heart, so I won't share it here but I did give it the title....


Maybe one day it will be read by its inspiration...

# Safe - Westlife #

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