
By woofcity

aaaahh bisto

Emily in the garden having caught a good sniff. I'd like to think it was my cooking but I'd only prepped it by then. (Left over slow roasted lamb with chickpea and couscous stuffed peppers.)

Curious to ask any multiple dog owners if the length of the walk affects their pack? We went for a little walk round the park instead of an epic trek and their behaviour has been much better today. Maybe they are getting over stimulated and too excited. After introducing a second walk yesterday, I thought I should reduce the distance of Walk 1 as they are still so young. I would say little but they will always be small.

Sleep time has been roughly the same, likewise the time they were left. Anyway, I shall enjoy the period of calm :)

Highlights in puppy world: put them to bed early yesterday as the incessant over exuberance was wearing me out just watching them. Storm and Emily lay down and went to sleep but Grace was giving us the eye and trying to project her thoughts on to her guilty dogparents let me out, THEY are asleep, THEY won't know I could have all your attention because I'm so pretty and cute. It didn't work but I had to block her stare with a strategically placed cushion...

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