My 'When you are a Stranger'

I should really get out more. If I did I wouldn't have woken up rather early this morning worrying about the mechanics of taking a photo of a complete stranger for the 'When you're a Stranger' project; would the wind on mechanism work, would I be brave enough to accost someone, would I get a rejection from the stranger.......

In the event, it couldn't have been easier. My stranger, Stewart Lawrie, sitting at the next table in the cafe in Princes Square was charming and patient as I took his photo in B&W on the disposable camera and then with my camera to post a blip today.
Thank you Stewart if you look at this on the Internet. You made my life so easy.

The little camera is now winging it's way to Poppy in Orkney.

I was through in Glasgow to hand over yesterday's cardigan and a waterproof coat to the expanding Glasgow daughter. It is a sobering thought that the coat which fits me like a glove, is comfortably loose on a 7 month pregnant daughter.
If she has to venture forth on many days like today when the rain in that 'Dear Green Place' was such that Buchanan Street was like a fast flowing stream, then she will be glad of it.

Tonight, His Lordship and I are taking his daughter out for a birthday meal. If there is an event guaranteed to make me feel old, it must surely be a stepdaughter's 50th birthday - not that I imagine it is much fun for her either.
I can still remember the horror of reaching that age myself. Now I know there is much worse to come!

To make my day, the blip I took of Princes Street gardens on Wednesday, made 'The Scotsman' newspaper today. My cup runner over!

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