Old and new

The polythere sheet available in Malawi is paper thin and tears even the forecast of wind. The green house on the right has it. On the left is our new polytunnell, with the most super duper, 5 year guaranteed polythene donated by Colm Warren Polyhouses Ltd. Kilmurray, Trim, Co Meath.
When I spoke to them first we negotiated what I thought was a very large and more than fair discount, but when my daughter Eithne went to collect it, they said that the cause was so good that they could'nt charge for it. We appreciate the more than generous gesture guys.
There is such excitement about it and people have come from far and wide to see it.
Aginish is also new, a new employee in the propagation ares, working with Binna.
She brings her little boy Chester with her every day to help!!
The fish pond in the background is a commercial venture to help pay some of the costs of runing the farm, that will help us continue to give seeds and seedlings away almost free.

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