Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Upcoming Inverness Exhibition..

1 week to until the exhibition.
0 paintings finished!

I have 2 paintings on the go, which I'm dabbing at in very short bursts. I can manage about 20 minutes at most before heading off for a bit of a lie down! But I'm hopeful I'll have them finished in time. I made it out of the house today and mum and I went along to the Art Group* for a little while which was really nice. Everyone was showing off their finished pieces and I was like....uhhh.....yeah...well, I have a week... ;) Mum has been most prolific and has 3 completed oil paintings and has another acrylic one on the go - I'll have to blip them, they're really good.

*I'm not sure why they insist on calling it 'Killearnan Church Art Group' simply because we use the church hall, as far as I know only 2 people out of around 20 go there! I'd like to re-brand ;)

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