Family of three.

By livingbythesea

My Family ;-)

Felt like doing something a bit different tonight so had a practise run on something I want to do for Christmas. We always used to have at the Christmas dinner table name places that my stepdaughter Micha had drawn. Each one was her drawing of that person and their name. They were hilarious and very cute. Over the years some have had to be sadly removed as we lost family members and happily others had to be drawn as new babies were born. A couple of years ago they had really got too tatty and were falling apart and so we were thinking of something new. I have had the thought of making gingerbread men and personalizing them to look like each person. This is a practise run. Myself, child minding and with camera, Paul in his shades and playing guitar. Under us from left to right. Sidonie with her ipad, Erin with a book, Jack with guitar and ds and Felix with his wii controllers. The colours aren't the best but if I decide to do them I will buy coloured icing to get better matches, also I will need to do about 20 of them so it will take a while but I think they are cute.

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