But, then again . . . . .

By TrikinDave

Larch Cone.

The useful part of today was spent at the "Creative Writing Group", not that I feel that I contribute much in the way of creative writing. I just print off a few of my Blip entries and tender those as my offerings.

Today we had a new lady join us who brought along a very short piece on her aging mother's memory loss, very poignant and something to which we could all relate; for an encore she had an excruciatingly funny (I choose those adjectives carefully) poem on a visit to the dentist - the dentist just happens to be her son-in-law.

The meeting did not result in anything that could be described as a photographic opportunity. Consequently, I gathered up this larch cone on the way home and tried to create a solarized picture of it - I couldn't remember how to do it. Delving into the deep, dark, inside cupboards of Photoshop I found this interesting filter and a method of changing the background colour. I can see me using the technique again.

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