
By DancingAly

The Longest Dance Day Ever

I've qualified! In Ballroom and Latin!

It was such a long day. I was up at 7:30 (on a Sunday!), and woke to the rain lashing down and thunder and lightening. After a miserable start it brightened up. We had been told to get there for midday, which we did, but once there we found we weren't due to start until 3pm. They organised it differently this year, with kids and adults on the same day. We sat around and chatted in the cafe for a couple of hours, and I felt much more relaxed. We did the all-importnt "count how many in your group" in the program, and once we found there were 13 in both, I felt so much better! It should mean everybody goes straight through, rather than having to battle it out for your place.

We found a big, empty room to practice in which was really useful. Ballroom started about 4pm in the end. I got to wear my new dress, which I thought looked lovely. My Ballroom went great. I don't think I made any mistakes, my head was definitely in a place it never goes as it hurt the next day, yet I didn't get a recall. Aah well, you win some, you lose some. Still got through, so that's whats's important.

Latin didn't start till nearly 7pm. Much later than expected, and I saw my hopes of a nice dinner and some down time disappearing! Had a quick practice of the routine with my teacher, and felt ok. However, we get on the floor, and there are clearly more than 13 people. All of a sudden the announcer says 12 from 1 heat, meaning if you want a place for Blackpool, your going to have to fight for it. Felt like all the blood drained from my face! I cared more about the latin, and never thought for a second I would have to really fight just to get an opportunity to dance there! The music came on, and although my legs felt wobbly, I really went for it like my life depended on it! I felt more wobbly in the rumba, but thought I had danced my best-ish considering how nervous I was. Came off the floor thinking I'll never be one of the 12, and spent the rest of the time until the recalls worrying.

Must have been ok as I got two recalls! To the semi and then the final! Came 8th, and would have liked to place a bit higher, but I don't care! I earned my place in Latin, and what do you know, it feels good.

Got home about 9:30pm, and just had time to throw some dinner down me before going home for a bath and bed. I don't care what happens this week, nothing can bring me down, because I qualified in both!

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