
By DancingAly

Golden Light

Yet another capturing of the light. We live in England- sun is a rarity!

I went to a friend from work's house tonight. We had set ourselves the task of writing the school Christmas Play. Our friend as spent 2 years renovating her home, and recently moved in, and it was absolutely gorgeous! Came home a little jealous- I need more stuff! We shared lovely pizza and salad, and it was just nice to have time to relax and chat outside of school. Suffice to say the wine started flowing, and little work got done, but it was a lovely evening!

In other news, Little B's misdemeanours reached new highs tonight. He nipped out to the garden at 6:30pm, and despite being called, he refused to come in. Eventually we had no choice but to get the torch out, and I saw he was eating something. I put Mum's garden shoes on, and found him by the conifers, chewing something which at first appeared to be a trash bag. On closer inspection it was a blood-covered pigeon carcass! I picked B up under one arm, the torch in the the other. He came in very willingly! He had blood round his mouth and muddy paws, so up to the bath he went. Unfortunately sister number 2 was in there, so we barged in anyway and she had no choice but to vacate. As I was holding up the towel for her, Mum happened to be holding B near the sink, where he promptly threw up in it. There was much screaming from the two of us, then Mum shouting at us to calm down! I ran to get some dog towels for after his bath while Mum cleared up. Cue more screaming. B had been put into the bath, and had managed to spew once more. Huge gross out. I came back upstairs, and the sight was easily the most horrific I have ever seen. I'm never having kids. The image of Little B, soaking wet standing forlornly in the tub, with his own vomit swirling around him will haunt me forever!

At Mum's request I nipped to the shop to buy her two large bottles of bleach. I helped :-) Then left to pick up my friend for our evening out. Good job it was a couple of hours later before the pizza was served, as the unspeakable horror was still in my mind.....!

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