South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth

Morning sky

I did take some other photos today when we went out on a walk, but I still like this one the best (taken through the back window this morning).

The car is booked in for Monday - goodness knows whether they'll find anything wrong this time! It's a bit unnerving when it's so reluctant to start - makes you a bit concerned about going anywhere in it! Today hubby and I just had a walk around the village, which was quite nice. At least the sun was out and it was fairly warm. I did masses of cleaning this morning, including hand washing (which I hardly ever do!) a lovely white cotton runner from Brazil which a Brazilian lady from church gave us a while ago. I had never washed it and it really needed it - will then have to starch and iron it. We have a very dark wood big unit and it fits the lower part beautifully and brightens it up. It will even more so now it's white and not grey ;-) Son is out having a meeting about a website which he's constructing and to see if he can still meet the client's needs and also use his work as part of his degree coursework. All a bit beyond me! :-)

Will be continuing with another jigsaw this evening - should finish it and will blip it tomorrow if I do!

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