Happy Valley

By HappyValley

Peddle power

DDW's October 2013 Challenge Day 23: Motion

This is the chain of my road bike which is currently hooked up on the turbo trainer in the garage. I am spending quite a bit of time on it at the moment, peddling furiously but going nowhere...(hmmm that kinda sounds a lot like recent life events!).

I much prefer the mountain bike, you can have much more fun on it. And being off road, idiot dog gets to come too! But...that bike is still plastered in dirt from the last ride out (hangs head in shame). So it didn't get blipped...although it will do one day. Hopefully whilst I am riding it full tilt downhill, trail of dust behind me, grinning manically, idiot dogs hot on my tail and PW snapping away.

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