
By CharlotteJ

Arrived last night at Mums and greeted with a big hug and a glass of wine!! Had a lovely hour chatting with Mum and Dad about the day’s events and how long it took me from Peterborough to theirs on the ‘new road’ and dad worrying that I had not eaten enough and instructing Mum to get on with dinner!! I think he was hungry…

Dad seemed on good form which was lovely but did get a little muddled about the ‘man I live with’ and bless him couldn’t remember Chris’s name, but that’s OK. We then got into a debate about who was playing footie; dad was certain it was England v Germany. I was sure it wasn’t an England game so checking it was Arsenal and Dortmund. Dad became quite indignant and said ‘well Arsenal is an English team and Dortmund are German’……I’m sure there is logical in there somewhere! Made us all laugh though.

Anyway, my blip today is of my Mum’s ‘dad’ but who is my Great Granddad….confused?? My Mum was brought up by her mother’s parents - her grandparents, after her mother died after giving birth to my mum. So when we talk about Mum’s parents we are actually talking about her grandparents….it all gets a little confusing! My Great Granddad here is posing with one of his handmade toys….I like the shadow over his middle the shadow can only come from the person behind the rather large camera.
This morning before leaving to get back to work Mum had full breakfast ready at the table! Got back within 3hours so not too bad but now have lots to get on with. I am struggling to keep up with journals but I promise I will catch up and thank you for all your lovely comments yesterday.


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