The story so far...


An interesting trip to the turkeys

Today mummy learnt a valuable lesson but in a heart breaking way. We were at our woodlands playgroup and cam was having a great time but he pushed over a little girl. Mummy told him off and he had his temper tantrum, which he very quickly got over and of he went but with mummy keeping a close eye and giving him reminders to be nice to his little friends. Later on when we went to visit the turkey farm with the group leaders we found out the little girl had subsequently been pinching Cameron after the event and was being praised for doing so by her mum. Mummy has always seen cam as a threat to others and not the other way round but for the first time mummy realised he is just a vulnerable little boy. It made her feel awful especially as cam is being so incredibly sweet at the moment and improving his behaviour drastically. We will be keeping a close eye on cam from now on but not for the reason we expected :-(

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