24-7 Gathering - Dublin

No posts for the last 2 days as I had the most vile sickness bug I've ever had the displeasure of having! Not a lot of photo opps!!!
Felt gutted to miss out on going to Dublin, had to wave Asha and Danny off from my bed of sickness, but felt much more human adfter 2 days, so decided to book a late flight out and join everyone at the international gathering - SUCH A GOOD DECISION!!! Despite feeling shattered, it was so so good to be there with our 24-7 family, and to see good friends from overseas all together! We had THE most amazing meetings...healings galore, but no shouting and yelling from the leader, just a gentle quiet approach, and the Holy Spirit just did amazing things!!! SO EXCITING! SUCH a privilege to be there.
Raining raining raining though, glad I brought my coat with a hood!!

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