Dodging the rain at Clumber Park

I am distracted from photography at the moment. My old mum (almost 97) has fallen and fractured her pelvis and wrist. She is now in a nursing home and I am staying in her house and visiting her daily. There are some big difficult decisions to make soon, as she is hoping that she will be able to come home and continue to live independently as soon as she is mobile again. That would be lovely, but I think it would be dangerous for her, and she would soon be back in hospital again.

It has been raining almost non stop since I got here on Sunday, but today there was a brief break and I came out for a breather to Clumber Park and had a brief walk in the forest and by the lake, before the heavens opened once again and I had to gallop to the car.

Sorry about my lack of comments and posts recently.

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