My poor little May is really poorly still, we went to the doctors today and they have said she has inflammation of the lungs and the dr threw the word pneumonia around far too much for my liking.

If she is no better tomorrow morning we have to go straight back. I have foolishly given her nurofen too, to help with her temperature, and because she hasn't eaten anything it gave her tummy ache... I'm so cross with myself I didn't think about that.

Obviously not much time to blip today so grabbed a tin of spaghetti letters when picking up some Apple juice, I served the rest of the tin up to Elliot with his dinner... He looked at me as if I'd served him up something the dog would eat!!! Needless to say he didn't eat it!

I had a text from Ninja this morning to let me know the photo of Jimmy Carr had made the front page and page 9 of the Cambridge News!!! I'll be dining off that for a while!!

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