'Pink' Carnation

Once again it's Pink October to help raise breast cancer awareness, so I bought a bunch of pink carnations for my pink blip, and as it's been very wet and blustery I thought a splash of pink would brighten up the day. You can see last year's pink blip here.

This morning I went to the French conversation group which was equally as enjoyable as last week, and afterwards we went to a local cafe and had a hot chocolate and a waffle. It really is a lovely group, and I've made the decision to stop going to the French lesson on Tuesday nights. I'm struggling with the reading and the written work, and only ever wanted a daytime conversation group to keep up with my spoken French. Also the timing of the lesson isn't great as it's 6.30pm - 8.15pm so it's too early for me to eat before I have to leave home, and it's too late to eat when I get back. I've emailed the teacher and explained, and she understands, so I feel much happier now.

So as I had more free time than expected this afternoon, I sent Chrissy a text to see if she fancied going for a walk, which she did. We met up half an hour later and walked along the undercliff path - the sea was extremely rough and was crashing over the wall so we almost got wet a few times. We quickly put our cameras away, but we had a nice walk, with Louis on his lead this time as I was worried about him getting swept into the sea!

Further to yesterday's blip, I had a response from the pony trust who have added me to their list of volunteers - their rota is currently fulfilled, but they've said that they sometimes struggle to find enough help in gathering the ponies, and have asked if I'm fit enough and willing to help in that situation. I've confirmed I am, and it seems there may be an opportunity in a few weeks time where they need to move five ponies to another area - so watch this space! I sent them some of the photos I took yesterday and they identified one of the ponies who is a 13 year old mare called Pip. She's had a couple of foals and carried out conservation grazing in Yorkshire before being given to them 18 months ago.

In other news, I'm planning a South Coast blipmeet in Brighton on November 16th for anyone that's interested. I've posted it on the Forum, but the plan is to meet for lunch and then have a photo walk around Brighton - let me know if you're interested in joining us.

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