
First up a heap of Barks for all the kind and helpful comments on my Bad Curl Day yesterday. I can see that ladies understand this problem but Blokes less. Probably 'Cos they haven't got the Curls to have a bad day with...OK?

I was surprised to see this fine day storm cloud rolling in this afternoon but it didn’t really slo down the stickathon that was going on at the time.
There has been a raft of change in the house as The Boss converts all the Bossess (and his) phones and other stuff over to the latest operating system. The Boss is NOT an early adopter, leaving the other millions to discover any glitches before taking the plunge and converting the Bossess work related stuff last, but there was certainly joy in the land as they both discovered all the neat new tricks especially the photo’s which are now organised with a separate spot (no not the dog again) for panoramas which is very cool and the Geo tagging grouping was huge fun for looking but won’t count once on LR as he has elected to not use that function at the moment.
Nothing much has changed for me yet but my new collar and lead is now on the sideboard in the dining room awaiting for The Bossess to return from afar tonight and give it to me.
Oh and The boss has finished importing all the Canada photo’s from 2 phones and 1 camera into a nice separate Lightroom catalogue and spends lots of time just staring. I think he would like to go back. Sigh…

No I am not allowed to say how many….

Oh btw it didn’t rain and all this stuff got blown back the way it had come. Often happens that way here.

Cool Calm Curls

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