With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Constant stream.

After an appointment in Palma, I got back to two boys dutifully doing their homework. Miracle? Of course not. Eventually there was a bit of a wrinkle in the evening and I decided I needed a brisk walk before I really lost my temper. They were so good being latchkey kids for an hour, but it had to break I suppose.

Anyway, this is the constantly running spring water in the Calle Sa Lluna. When this stops in Soller, it will be a bit like the Liver Birds flying away. There is a threat. Louis is on the case as his house is a few doors down. I have a few of the fountains in stock, but I have been meaning to get a shot of all of them one day.

There seems to be a resounding theme this month. Heart issues. My brother is in hospital. I am not too worried, but he sounded bored and has no internet, so pay lemonzest a visit to cheer him up when he gets home. All my love P x

No pun intended xxxx

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