David Takes Pictures

By DavidTakesPics

'You've Got To Hold And Give...

But Do It At The Right Time'

'World In Motion' must be the best football song ever, right? Yeah, I thought so.

I went to watch my old footy team play tonight and I realised how much I miss playing. I haven't played for over a year, I got a bad knee injury and the upshot is that I can never really play competitively again because my knees can't properly handle the impact.
I have to stick to low impact sports these days.
I picked cycling to keep me fit and get me to work for free so these days I cycle 20 miles to work and 20 miles back again pretty much every day.
I really love cycling and I'm good at it and it's made me fitter than I've ever been but I still really miss football.
With cycling it's just you. You're all alone doing your thing which can be nice in its own way but football is different. With football you're a part of a team, all working together for the win. I miss that more than anything, I think and whenever I go to watch my old team play it reminds me of what I'm missing because of my damn knees.

It was good to see all the boys though and they (we?) won 3-1 so it was worth the trip.

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