mad on pic taking too

By Madonskis


Are popping up everywhere.
I wasn't going to write anything else because I'm feeling a bit down but then I thought, this is my journal and I should write about my day.
It's something and nothing and I enjoy the banter on Twitter but realise it's often hard to convey what you're trying to say in 140 characters and what you mean as a joke isn't always taken as such. Likewise, how are you supposed to know what is going on in someone's life. I've been upset but then thought about it and realised that they don't know what they say may hurt you so let it go. I hope the convo I had is re-read by the person involved and they realise there was nothing there meant to hurt, but by taking it the wrong way have, in turn, hurt me!
Twitter is for fun. Facebook is for people you've met and relatives to keep in touch with. You think you're building friendships but you aren't really, although I have had tweet ups and met with a really nice group of men and women that all have music in common and we now do meet regularly and I consider them amongst my friends.
Oh well, sorry to burden you with this, I haven't shared this to twitter today. It would be one heck of a sub-tweet!!

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