
By cowgirl

I am so spoilt!

Breakfast in bed!

I woke up to see the curtains trying to run away from the window ( damn those curtain hooks ) as the windows had been flung wide open by the raging storm outside! It's so mild still that we sleep with the windows open and haven't yet had to turn the heating on - ha, take that British Gas trying to hike up your prices! We're on a fixed rate til next year anyway, so will reassess once we've moved, but how the boss of the company, who is going to accept his £2,000,000 bonus, sleeps at night when there are people having to decide whether to turn on the heating or eat I don't know.

Rant over.

I leapt out of bed to get the cats in, very wet and bedraggled ( so shelter in the shed til I get up, you noodles! ) fed them, then braved the elements to sort the guinea pigs out. Made us a cup of tea and took it back to bed, where Sav was now wide awake.

I got my iPad out to catch up with blips and was treated to breakfast in bed!

I think I'm done blipping for now tho, and really should get up. I mean the ' rac quiz' is on on Planet Rock for goodness sake, how can I still be in bed now??! ( I'm not letting on what time that is for those who don't know, it's embarrassing! )

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