Blue Hamish

By BlueHamish

Cloudy with a chance of meatballs

Inspired by a brief exchange with 'meyesme' yesterday when he commented on my blip but asked where my 'full moon' was (ooh, there's an idea for a risque blip). My immediate response was 'twas cloudy with meatballs', a play on the title of an animated film that has just hit the cinemas.

Lazy day yesterday (not the spin class - that was anything but). Only a 3 day week this week. Off to the Lake District Thursday thru Sunday. Can't wait. Dealing with a real a**hole at work right now and I need a break from him before I tell him exactly how I feel.

What could be better than a 3 day week? A 2 day week of course and that's what I have to look forward to next week. I just need to make some plans so that the down time is not wasted.

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