Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey


And like the lapsed Blipper that I am - I will state, one day I will upload them all and make my journal less holey - I had no idea that today was my 1,095. Thanks for that surprise and for all the fun and games along the way. To the friends I've made here, to the knowledge so openly shared, to Blip Central and your endless innovation and patience with me, I salute you.

So I'd been capturing the boys with the speck of battery being oozed on account of my forgetfulness before we left home, and assuming once again that we were the last ones to leave since indeed it was a good hour before the rest of the picnic guests had left, when, what to my wondering eyes should appear but Steve & Deanne and their little reindeer. We all laughed. A repeat of last year indeed. So, without further ado, Steve took my camera all set up and did just what I hoped he might because I knew the moment would be gone like a willow the wisp had I gone to the carpark to get my tripod. And if anyone has the misfortunate of having been asked to do the same, they'll know that an inch to the left or right or messing with my buttons is not going to cut it with me. So, thank you Steve!

I feel such a great wave of warmth every time I see them both and feel so very grateful that our paths should have crossed in early intervention, but a step from this very spot. Good and happy faces before us today. Memories and milestones shared. Here's to us all returning to the same each year. We deserve to look back and be happy for all that has been achieved.

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