Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Harvest time.

This came out a lot darker than I would have hoped but perhaps that highlights the feeling that I have of the days suddenly getting shorter and colder! I was/am genuinely cold today for the first time in ages. Is it just me feeling this way because its September and starting to get autumny, or is it really quite chilly all of a sudden?!

For some reason I always sleep best when I'm up here in my old bed, even though my room in my flat is much nicer and the bed much bigger and more luxurious! It must be something about the place where you grow up. And although I love living in the city and wouldn't trade it, I grew up in the countryside which is so different with its night-time noises. Its a security thing too I'm sure, I obviously feel safer being in the same house as my parents, which is a bit mad at my age! Perhaps its the lack of rodent-fear when I'm here too....
Anyway, I slept until midday! Which is impressive, even for me. I reckon I probably needed it :o)

Mum and I spent the rest of the day trying to clear out her room.
My parents are real hoarders, they want to get rid of stuff but just don't seem to be able to bring themselves to do it ("thats a good box that, you don't want to throw that out...") so I promised I'd help while I was here. I'm much more ruthless with others peoples crap! It pretty much involves me watching disaprovingly and directing things to the bin or charity - they need the instruction!
I thought we'd get through it pretty quickly but its a much bigger task than I had imagined, we've barely scratched the surface of mum's room.

Better go back to it, she's calling. Probably having some sort of scarf crisis - I told her she could only have as many as she could fit into one box. Its proving difficult!

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