Through my camera's EYE

By Torvik

The Benefit.

I will admit, this photo was not from today. More like a week and a couple days ago. ;) Anyways. Last Friday, I went to some really great friends of mine concert. They were releasing their second EP which was recorded in Tyler Texas! (They actually stayed at my boi-dads house while they recorded in his home town.. Crazy right!?) They had this show at our home church, and all the proceeds went to a boy named Isaac Tate who has epilepsy. He contracted it through a sore on his lip while in the hospital. Yeah. I didn't know that could happen either. =/ The family has accumulated large medical bills over the past few years, and the guys decided to try and help them out. We ended up raising over $1000 with close to 300 people at the show! So thankful for our little community. <3
Somehow, walking into help before the show with a big camera automatically made me the designated "photographer" with an "All Access Pass"... Needless to say, I was stoked. Up until that point, I had never take photos for any use but my own. While I enjoy rocking out with everyone else, it was awesome to be able to capture some of my best friends doing what they love. :) In this photo, my friend Jack is on drums. We used to be super close, but have kind of drifted apart the last couple years...
And then there is Britt, his older brother on guitar! I've known him for 7 years or so, and he's like the older brother that I don't really have. (I mean I do, but he lives in Germany. ;)
I was SO excited to get these guys in this shot together. Both of them doing what they love. Playing music, and praising God.

I also recently created a Facebook Page called "V Photography" feel free to check it out and like it. :)
I'm really looking forward to developing my skills in photography, especially for such events as this. I love taking band photos!

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