Pink Cakes
To all the beetroot doubters... here is a beautiful, delicious cake that no-one would dislike... and in front of it a couple of beetroot muffins...
Actually, they were fine. Nursery didn't really have all the ingredients, and we were kind of making up the recipe really - but they worked out fine in the end, and of the 30 kids there, I think about 20 ate and genuinely enjoyed the muffins. Not bad. Even Mr B pronounced them 'really quite nice'.
Recipe for those who have lots of beetroot lurking in the larder:
1 egg
55g soft light brown sugar (I used caster sugar - but I think brown would be better)
55ml sunflower / veg oil
cooked, grated beetroot (maybe a bit less than 1 American cup?)
85g Self Raising Flour
1. Put mini muffin cases in trays - this makes 18-20. Pre-heat oven to 180C/350F/Gas 4
2. Beat egg and sugar until thickish
3. Add oil and beetroot and stir in well
4. Roughly fold in seived flour until just blended
5. Spoon into cases - fill about 2/3 full
6. Bake for 15 mins or so until the cake bounces back if you push a finger into the top.
DISCLAIMER: recipe from memory... but I think it's right...
VARIATIONS: I think it would be nice with some grated apple replacing some of the beetroot, maybe some cinnamon too. White or very dark chocolate chips would be a welcome addition....
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