Peter's Ponderings

By Lofty

The Amethyst Deceiver

Or of course "Laccaria Amethystina" to you and me. Probably.

My brother gave me a phobia of mushrooms for most of my life to date when he told me as a child, that toadstools are called toadstools because toads live in the frilly bits. Obviously therefore frogs live in mushrooms.... This dislike of all things fungus lasted me up till I was in my early 20s!

Anyway, today we went walking in Epping forest today to see the trees starting to turn to their autumn colours. Also in abundance, were a massive variety of mushrooms and toadstools or every shape and size.

I saw my first 'Fly Amanita'... you know the one with the red cap and white spots? The one from the fairy tails anyway...!

And then the heavens opened! Fortunately we were only a miles soggy walk from the nearest pub and proceeded to drip into a well earned pint each!

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