
By SNDavies

We're having a lazy day today.

It wasn't meant to be. I was woken up very sweetly by Minerva who kissed me, then when I didn't open my eyes delicately put her paw with one claw on my nose. Not in a malicious way, but it was funny to see it escalate. She's hungry! Fed her then returned to bed as it was 6.40am. Got up at 10am feeling uber energetic and motivated, which is quite unusual for me! Tidied bits of the house, did a load of clothes washing, washed up half of the dishes and then made some macarons courtesy of Lorraine Pascale.

Emma (Minerva's mum) was due around this afternoon for a visit, so I made a dent in the mess of the lounge. Went to put some things away in the bathroom and then realised the shower was dripping quite quickly from what looked like one of the nuts. Rang Craig who said he had a monkey wrench so I twisted the nut to the right. More water, so it's now pouring out. Twisted it back to the left. Less water from below but it started squirting out of the top as well!

Panicking now, I rang Craig who was visiting his parents in Reading and what followed was half an hour of me getting increasingly panicky and upset until I hung up on him because I stop being able to talk when I cry. Cannot for the life of us work out where the stopcock for the house is. There's a little coverhole outside the house but I've dug 8 inches of mud out of it and met nothing but stone slabs. There's nothing under the sink, nothing outside the house and nothing in any of the rooms. Eventually I rang an emergency plumber who wanted £80 for a callout fee, plus whatever else on top. Craig then rang the builder who's been working on our house for the last month. Lee installed the kitchen & sorted out the initial shower leak we had. He then rang me to find out what had happened.

Long story cut short(ish), I'm leaving it alone unless it gets worse in which case Lee will come out tonight. Otherwise Lee is coming first thing tomorrow so that I can go to work straight after. Craig then decided to drive back from Reading even though he was supposed to be staying there until Tuesday evening. I'm now sat slumped on the sofa next to Minerva with no motivation to do anything at all. Emma cancelled which was just as well. At least the macarons turned out okay!

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