Always happy to see you.

We went to a wedding today, friends of ours but close enough friends that our two daughters thought that our friends children were their cousins! They always called Ian and Kim Uncle and Aunty.
Their daughter, Natasha, was getting married today at St Peters Church in Gloucester, same church that Marlane and I were married in 1975, and afterwards at the Tewkesbury hotel and golf club. The reception was brilliant, great food etc.

The dogs would have been left for hours so we felt it only fair to take them with us to the reception but we also took Jonty's big bed for the back of the car and we went out often to give them a little walk and water.
After the meal I asked the barman if they could come into the bar and the evening 'do' area which he was more than happy about, he is a Chihuahua owner :-)

They went back into to car after a long while but when I went to give them another walk I took this photo. Sorry about the eyes, can't get rid of this reflection like you can 'red eye' unless I did it in Paint but it's already 2300 and I'm going to bed!

Night night everyone, night night, it's been a Loooong day.

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