Party Girls

Miss E had not one but two parties today. She was still a bit quiet and pale when she got up this morning and I wasn't sure she was going to be up for parties. I checked with her and she asked in a tiny, feeble voice "will there be party bags?" When I said I thought there probably would be she perked up!
First of all it was to a fab go-karting party with the boys! Miss E and Miss H were the only girls there and they loved it. There was no party bag but a pink football. Genius!!
From there we went to Costa for an hour or so before heading on to party number two. We met Mr K there with Miss L.
Miss F's sixth birthday today and a fabulous Halloween party for the girls. And two younger brothers!
There was an incredible face painter there who did wonderful faces to match the costumes the children were wearing.
And a flowery necklace for me!
There was pottery witch painting, pin the spider on the web, pass the parcel and a scrummy Halloween feast.
And beer and football in the kitchen for the grown ups. Ace!
Unfortunately after eating Miss E felt poorly again with tummy pains. She was very upset and couldn't join in with all the others playing outside. She went so pale and limp that I got really worried. She's so rarely ill I don't deal well with it!!
Unusually for me I wanted her to see a doctor so I took her to the walk in NHS centre in Milton Keynes.
We were seen within minutes by a lovely nurse. Miss E naturally was beaming and bouncing around in the room and apparently full of beans. Half an hour before she'd been lying motionless and in agony!
The nurse confirmed very bad constipation and prescribed prune juice, lots of fruit and vegetables, lots of fluids and as much running about as possible!
So we hot footed straight from there to Tescos to stock up on prune juice.
It did not go down well with Miss E!!
I had to resort to bribery to get her to drink even a fraction of it.

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