the sunrise hour

By kittyhawk

After The Storm

There was a thunderstorm today, and it was nice watching it with my whole family. My auntie, nana and cousin came to visit so we sat in the living room with my sister, her fiance and their little baby as lightning forked across the sky and rain hit the window. The window in my living room is quite big so the lightening lit up the whole room.

I switched the light off in my bedroom and watched as it lit up with a sudden blue glow.

The storm left in time to reveal a beautiful sunset. On this photo, I like the reflection if the sun on the greenhouse.

Good Things About Today
I managed to get quite a lot of work done
I saw my family who I haven't seen in a while
There was a thunderstorm
The beautiful sunset
I saw my friend in the cafe where she worked, and we had a little chat
I spoke to my sister (who is at uni, and I miss) on the phone (to teach her how to set up a drum kit)
My nana bought me a new sketchbook, with a card front cover which I can decorate
My instagram photos of BFS and Patent Pending live, were liked by Rob and Corey from Patent Pending
I had grapefruit for breakfast
I read a book about space
I had an iced bun

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