
By SNDavies

Had a great day in work and an even better drive home with Nick & Tilly. Back to sharing lifts as Craig took the car and drove to Reading at 6.30 this morning. He's back next Tuesday.

We were driving to one of the busiest roundabouts on the route & had to brake quite sharply as there was quite a queue. Then Tilly spotted the fluffiest dog who'd poked his head through the window & got very excited as Tilly tends to do around cute dogs! She ended up knocking on the windscreen to get the dog to turn around, which properly made us giggle. Unfortunately the car turned off left at the roundabout while we went straight on. Nice moment though :)

After that we went to Tesco where they bought croissants for us to eat on the drive back & a mini detour around Cardiff for Tilly to put in a prescription at the pharmacy. Ended up getting home at 6.30 to a very hungry Minerva!

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